5 Propane Truck Customizations That Will Save You Money

Dec. 18 2023 Bobtail Tips By Green LP

Propane companies continuously seek ways to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and leave a lasting imprint on their customers. 

The team at Green LP helps these propane companies stand out by introducing innovative truck customizations that save money and reinforce their brand presence. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the key features offered by Green LP, shedding light on how these customizations can substantially impact your bottom line.

1. Gallon Tank Size: Maximizing Route Efficiency

One of the standout features of our propane trucks is the customizable gallon tank size. Recognizing the diversity in home propane tank sizes across various routes, we provide options tailored to specific needs.

For instance, opting for a larger tank, such as 2,600 gallons, filled to 80% capacity, allows you to cover more properties on a single route.

The economic advantage is clear. Fewer stops for refills mean less time on the road and reduced fuel consumption. By efficiently managing routes with larger gallon tanks, companies can potentially add two or three more properties to their route than trucks with smaller tanks. 

The result is a more streamlined and cost-effective delivery process, requiring fewer trucks in the fleet.

Related Post: 5 Ways to Maximize the Value of Your Propane Bobtail Truck

However, it's essential to emphasize the importance of proper maintenance. While larger tanks can extend route capacity, routine maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of the trucks. Green LP has over 75 years of combined experience in the industry, including maintenance and repair.

Our team can provide your fleet with: 

  • Annual & DOT Inspections

  • Meter Proving

  • Meter Rebuild

  • Head Swaps

  • Pump/Belly Valve Rebuild & Installation

  • Electrical Issues, BASE Units, LCR, Safety Devices, etcPTO InstallationRe-piping

  • Troubleshooting

  • R Stamp

2. Hose Length: Safety and Convenience in Delivery

The safety and convenience of propane delivery extend beyond the truck itself. This is evident in our offering of two hose sizes for 125 feet and 150 feet. The recommendation leans toward the 150-foot hose, and the reasoning is compelling.

The longer hose provides delivery professionals with added flexibility when they pull into a driveway. This is particularly significant when dealing with properties that have septic tanks or other potential hazards. By using a 150-foot hose, drivers can maintain a safer distance, ensuring not only the safety of the property but also the well-being of the delivery personnel.

Investing in the 150-foot hose is a small yet impactful customization that contributes to overall operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. When customizing your vehicles, your options should go beyond the surface and consider the intricacies of the delivery process.

3. Stainless Steel Deck: Durability for the Long Haul

The choice of materials in truck construction can significantly impact maintenance costs and the overall lifespan of the vehicle. The team at Green LP considers this by offering propane trucks with a stainless steel deck. Compared to aluminum, stainless steel is renowned for its sturdiness and resistance to corrosion.

Despite aluminum's popularity and lightness, it can be porous, even with powder coating, compared to stainless steel's impenetrable nature. 

In the harsh conditions often faced by propane delivery trucks, such as exposure to varying weather elements, a stainless steel deck ensures longevity and durability. This results in reduced maintenance costs and a truck that stands the test of time.

4. Pro Control 3 Fuel Delivery System: Precision in Operation

At the core of our propane truck customizations is the Pro Control 3 Fuel Delivery System. This fully integrated system is designed to be customizable, allowing propane companies to tailor it to their specific operational needs. The Pro Control 3 system brings a new level of precision to fuel delivery operations.

With features such as real-time monitoring, automated route optimization, and precise control over the amount of propane dispensed, companies can optimize their delivery routes and reduce fuel wastage. 

This delivery system is a game-changer for propane companies aiming to enhance their operational efficiency and save on costs. The ability to customize the Pro Control 3 system according to the unique requirements of a propane company adds a layer of adaptability that is invaluable in a constantly evolving industry.

5. Company Logo & Branding: A Moving Advertisement

Everyone knows the power of branding and its potential impact on customer retention and acquisition. Incorporating the company logo and branding on propane trucks allows you to turn every delivery into a moving advertisement. This reinforces brand visibility and provides a sense of professionalism and reliability to customers.

Trust is paramount, so a well-branded fleet of trucks is a strategic advantage. We encourage companies to include their website and contact numbers on the trucks, making it easier for potential customers to get in touch. 

This simple, effective customization can significantly contribute to brand recognition and customer loyalty.

Get Started on Bobtail Customization 

The right truck customizations are a testament to the commitment to innovation and efficiency in the propane industry. By investing in these customized trucks, propane companies can save money and position themselves for sustained success in a competitive market.

Green LP can customize a bobtail propane truck to your specifications. If you have questions about propane bobtail trucks, call us at 417-831-0789, fill out our customization form, or contact us online